泰德峰 是西班牙和大西洋岛屿的最高峰 ,并且是世界上第三大火山。这是一座活火山,位于加那利群岛的特内里费岛,也是加那利群岛最著名的地标。火山及其周围组成了泰德国家公园,占地18900公顷,2007年6月29日被列为世界遗产。泰德峰海拔高度为3718米…
Cueva de los Verdes is a lava tube and tourist attraction of the Haria municipality on the island of Lanzarote in the Canary Islands.
这个美丽的火山泻湖是地方性盲白化螃蟹的家园。您还可以在这里找到一个独特的石窟礼堂和“火山之屋” - 一个充满了有趣的火山展览的博物馆。
Loro Parque or 'Loro Park' is a 13.5-hectare zoo on the outskirts of Puerto de la Cruz on Tenerife, Spain where it houses an extensive and…
El Drago, also known as Drago Milenario and Drago de Icod de los Vinos, is the oldest and largest living specimen of Dracaena draco, or…
Beautiful sandy beach situated in a natural reserve is popular with locals and those who are willing to hike through the park.
Mirador del Río is a viewpoint on an approximately 475-metre-high escarpment called Batería del Río in the north of the Canarian island of…
One of the most remote places in Tenerife, a little cape featuring many natural beauties and a photogenic lighthouse. A great getaway.
Visit these spectacular coastline rock formations to see the raging of the waves in the eroded lava arches.
Masca is a small mountain village on the island of Tenerife. It was originally a Guanche settlement before the Spanish conquest in 1496.
Nothing but you and the sea. A beach well-hidden from most of the tourists, offers beautiful views of the surrounding bay and impressive…
西班牙广场 是西班牙加那利群岛最大的广场,位于圣克鲁斯-德特内里费市中心,德特内里费演艺厅以北数米。这里有瑞士建筑事务所赫尔佐格和德梅隆的作品,一个巨大的人工湖。
Acantilados de Los Gigantes are vertical cliffs along the western coast of Tenerife.
Castillo de la Luz的名字意为光之城。它建于15世纪,以保护城市。如今,您将在这里找到精美的金属雕塑展览。
Something like an open-air museum, this “village” complex designed by Néstor promotes the traditional life and crafts.
拉斯帕尔马斯主教座堂 是位于西班牙加那利群岛城市拉斯帕尔马斯的一座罗马天主教的主教座堂。拉斯帕尔马斯主教座堂也是加那利群岛最重要的宗教建筑。