皮纳图博火山 是一座活跃的层状火山,位于菲律宾吕宋岛三描礼士、打拉和邦板牙三省的交界处,岩层主要由安山岩和英安岩构成。1991年前,皮纳图博火山并不知名,而且受到严重侵蚀。当时它被茂密的树林覆盖,住有数千名矮黑人原住民,他们的祖先在1565年西班牙人征服菲律宾后从低地逃往山区。
The Minor Basilica and Shrine Parish of Our Lady of the Rosary of Orani, commonly known as Orani Church, is a Roman Catholic minor basilica…
Something between nature reserve, zoo and theme park. It offers mind-blowing attractions but the animal conditions may be questionable.
President Ramon Magsaysay State University, commonly referred to as PRMSU, is a state university in Zambales established in 1910.
President Ramon Magsaysay State University, commonly referred to as PRMSU, is a state university in Zambales established in 1910.
President Ramon Magsaysay State University, commonly referred to as PRMSU, is a state university in Zambales established in 1910.
President Ramon Magsaysay State University, commonly referred to as PRMSU, is a state university in Zambales established in 1910.
Las Casas Filipinas de Acuzar is a beach resort, hotel, convention center and heritage destination in Bagac, Bataan, Philippines.