Donskoy Monastery is a major monastery in Moscow, founded in 1591 in commemoration of Moscow's deliverance from the threat of an invasion…
舒霍夫塔 ,也称舒霍夫广播电视塔 是一个位于莫斯科的广播塔。这座160米高的独立式钢结构建筑,是由结构主义建筑师弗拉基米尔·舒霍夫在1922年为纪念1917年十月革命而设计并建造的。
Matrona Dmitrievna Nikonova is a canonized saint of the Russian Orthodox Church who is said to have had the gifts of prophecy, spiritual…
Fersman Mineralogical Museum is one of the largest mineral museums of the world, located in Moscow, Russia.
The New Donskoy Cemetery is a 20th-century necropolis sprawling to the south from the Donskoy Monastery in the south-west of Central Moscow.
Makhmud Alisultanovich Esambayev was a Soviet and Chechen dancer, ballet master, choreographer and actor.