莎拉·杜克花园 位于杜克大学校园内,大约有55英亩。有5英里长的通路连接整个花园。花园分为三个部分,梯田形花园,Blomquist本土植物花园和Culberson亚洲植物园。花园是为了纪念莎拉·杜克而建的。莎拉·杜克是杜克大学的主要捐助者本杰明·杜克的夫人。
The Duke Lemur Center is an 85-acre sanctuary for rare and endangered strepsirrhine primates, located at Duke University in Durham, North…
The Duke Lemur Center is a 100-acre sanctuary for rare and endangered strepsirrhine primates, located at Duke University in Durham, North…
杜克大学 是一所位于美国北卡罗来纳州达勒姆的私立研究型大学。学校由卫理公会和贵格会于1838年在现在的三一市创建,并于1892年迁至达勒姆。1924年,烟草和电力实业家詹姆斯·布坎南·杜克成立了杜克捐赠基金,该机构更名以纪念他已故的父亲华盛顿·杜克。
杜克大学 是一所位于美国北卡罗来纳州达勒姆的一所私立男女合校研究型大学。杜克大学为美国最顶尖的学府之一,有“南方哈佛”之称,其2021年录取率为4.3%。虽然目前的学校创建于1924年,但杜克大学的历史实际上可以回溯到1859年时在今日现址创立的三一学院或更早的布朗学校 。
The Durham Performing Arts Center opened November 30, 2008 as the largest performing arts center in the Carolinas at a cost of $48 million.
The Museum of Life and Science—previously known as the North Carolina Museum of Life and Science and the NC Children's Museum—is an 84-acre…
The Nasher Museum of Art is the art museum of Duke University, and is located on Duke's campus in Durham, North Carolina, United States.
Bennett Place is a former farm and homestead in Durham, North Carolina, which was the site of the last surrender of a major Confederate…
Duke Homestead State Historic Site is a state historic site and National Historic Landmark in Durham, North Carolina.
Durham station is an Amtrak station located in Durham, North Carolina. It is served by two passenger trains: the Carolinian and the Piedmont.
West Point on the Eno is a city park and historical center covering 412 acres in Durham, Durham County, North Carolina.
Wallace Wade Stadium, in full Brooks Field at Wallace Wade Stadium, is a 40,004-seat outdoor stadium in the southeastern United States,…
Hillside High School is a four-year high school located in Durham, North Carolina.
Durham Athletic Park, nicknamed "The DAP", is a former minor league baseball stadium in Durham, North Carolina.