国会山庄 位于加拿大安大略省渥太华市中心,坐落渥太华河南岸的官地,为加拿大国会建筑群所在。国会建筑呈哥德复兴风格,加上其政治核心地位,每年吸引约300万人次的访客到此游览。
The ByWard Market, is a retail and entertainment district in the downtown core of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
联邦广场 是加拿大安大略省渥太华市中心的一个城市广场,被认为是该市第二重要的仪式中心,仅次于国会山。联邦广场大致呈三角形,广场中心是国家战争纪念碑,Valiants Memorial在其外围。广场北到威灵顿街,东西两面是伊利近街。
The National Capital Commission is the Crown corporation responsible for development, urban planning, and conservation in Canada's Capital…
加拿大国立美术馆 是位于加拿大首都渥太华的一座美术馆,以其极具特征的玻璃幕墙外装而闻名。
加拿大冷战博物馆 是一个前加拿大军事基地,正式名字是“紧急时刻政府指挥中心 。 其位于加拿大安大略省的Carp小镇,…
Upper Canada Village is a heritage park near Morrisburg, Ontario, which depicts a 19th-century village in Upper Canada.
Eastern Ontario is a secondary region of Southern Ontario in the Canadian province of Ontario which lies in a wedge-shaped area between the…
The Prison For Women, located in Kingston, Ontario, was a Correctional Service of Canada prison for women that functioned at a maximum…
Fitzroy Provincial Park is a provincial park on the Ottawa River in Ontario, designated as recreational-class by Ontario Parks.
布罗克维尔 是一座位于加拿大安大略省东南部圣劳伦斯河畔的城市,也是该省利兹和格伦维尔联合县的县治,但行政上独立于该县。布罗克维尔坐落魁北克市-温莎走廊之上,离渥太华西南偏南约110千米 ,蒙特利尔西南约210千米 ,多伦多东北约340千米…
The Royal Military College of Canada, abbreviated in English as RMC and in French as CMR, is a military academy and, since 1959, a degree…
Horaceville is a historic site located on the Ottawa River in eastern Ontario, Canada.
Merrickville–Wolford is a village-status municipality in Eastern Ontario, Canada, located in the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville.
Giant Tiger Stores Ltd. is a Canadian discount store chain which operates over 250 stores across Canada.
圣劳伦斯学院 是一所位于加拿大安大略省京士顿市的社区学院,于1967年成立。其为公立学院。除了京士顿的主校区外,在安大略东部的布罗克维尔和康沃尔有分校区。
This is the outline of the geography of the city of Ottawa, the capital of Canada.