约杜购物中心 是加拿大安大略省多伦多北约克的一座大型商场,位于401号省道夹艾伦道西南角,于1964年开业,是世界上最大的室内购物中心。以建筑面积计算,约杜目前是加拿大第三大购物中心 ,坪效为加拿大所有购物中心中最高,目前约为1,905加元…
Yonge Eglinton Centre is a complex of two office buildings located on the northwest corner of Yonge and Eglinton in Toronto, Ontario,…
Forest Hill Collegiate Institute is a semestered public high school in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
St. Clement's School is an Anglican independent school for girls in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Havergal College is an independent day and boarding school for girls from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 12 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.