纽卡斯尔座堂 是英国的一座教堂,位于英格兰泰恩河畔纽卡斯尔。纽卡斯尔座堂是纽卡斯尔教区的座堂,也是英格兰教会在英格兰最北的座堂。纽卡斯尔座堂的尖塔高196.6英尺 ,是纽卡斯尔市内第二高的宗教建筑和第六高的建筑。纽卡斯尔城堡也位于教堂附近。
纽卡斯尔城堡 是位于英国英格兰城市泰恩河畔纽卡斯尔的一座中世纪要塞,纽卡斯尔这一城市名称即来源于此。在罗马帝国时期这里就已有防御工事,现在的城堡则始建于1080年。现在纽卡斯尔城堡是英国的一级登录建筑。
泰恩桥 是位于英国英格兰东北部城市纽卡斯尔和盖茨黑德之间泰恩河上的一座拱桥。由Mott, Hay and Anderson公司设计…
The Sage is a forthcoming indoor arena and conference centre in Gateshead, United Kingdom due to open in phases between 2025 and 2027.
Path Head Mill is an 18th-century watermill at Summerhill on Blaydon Burn, between Blaydon and Stella, near Gateshead in north-east England.
Derwent Park is situated in Rowlands Gill, Tyne and Wear, England. The park is often incorrectly called Rowlands Gill Park as a result.