The Takayama Sericulture School, also known as the "Takayama-sha Sericulture School" or the "Takayama-sha Sericulture Improvement Society",…
The Tajima Yahei Sericulture Farm is located in the Sakaishima neighbored of the city of Isesaki, Gunma.
浅间山 是位于日本群马县吾妻郡嬬恋村与长野县北佐久郡轻井泽町及御代田町接壤处的一个安山岩质复合火山。标高2,568米,是世界知名的一个活火山。
Numata Castle is a Japanese castle located in Numata, northern Gunma Prefecture, Japan.
Luna Park is a name shared by dozens of currently operating and defunct amusement parks.
草津白根山 是位于日本群马县吾妻郡草津町的一座活火山,标高2160米。草津白根山顶部有三个火山湖,其中汤釜的pH值只有约1.0,是世界酸性度最高的湖泊之一。在火山口附近有瞭望台可以眺望汤釜。山腰处有硫磺矿山。日本气象厅对草津白根山进行有火山活动的观测监视。
Mizusawa-dera is a Buddhist temple of the Tendai sect located in the city of Shibukawa in Gunma Prefecture, Japan.
The Rakusan-en is a traditional Japanese garden located in the town of Kanra, Gunma Prefecture, Japan.
Ōta Tenjinyama Kofun is a Kofun period burial mound located in the Uchigashimacho neighborhood of the city of Ōta, Gunma Prefecture in the…
Tanbara Dam is a rock-fill embankment dam on a Tone River tributary in Gunma Prefecture of Japan.
Shinaki Dam is a dam in the Gunma Prefecture of Japan.
The Tobu Kumagaya Line was a 10.1 km single-track line operated by Tobu Railway, which ran from Kumagaya to Menuma in Saitama Prefecture…