Amazing place for a foot bath. The Hell Valley is the centre of explosion of a volcano and as such, it's full of natural hot spas.
This is the right place for all fans of hot springs. There is a large variety of hot spring water and many facilities to enjoy the bath in.
History theme park which celebrates the Edo Period. Enjoy traditional games and entertaining performances, such as ninja or geisha shows.
洞爷湖 是位于日本北海道,横跨虻田郡洞爷湖町和有珠郡壮瞥町两町的一个湖泊。属二级河川长流川水系。洞爷湖所在的支笏洞爷国立公园一带形成了洞爷湖有珠山地质公园,并被选入日本地质公园和世界地质公园。此外,洞爷湖也被选入日本百景、新日本旅行地100选、美丽的日本 想走走看的城镇500选。
山田电机 是日本规模最大的连锁家庭电器零售商,除山田电机外,亦以“Tecc.Land” 、“” 与“LABI” 等商标名开设连锁店。近年亦进军中国大陆家电零售市场。
Geo Corporation is a Japanese company that mainly operates in the buying and selling of products, notably but not limited to DVDs, CDs, and…
Hokkaido Muroran Sakae High School is a high school in Muroran, Hokkaidō, Japan, founded in 1917.