这座哥特式大教堂建于1191年,是一座罗马天主教堂,实际上是爱尔兰最大的教堂。 1870年,它献给了爱尔兰教会。据说圣帕特里克曾经在这里为人们洗礼。
半分桥 是爱尔兰首都都柏林的一处著名地标,横跨分隔都柏林南北的利菲河。半分桥原名威灵顿桥,原以纪念威灵顿公爵于1815年于滑铁卢战役中击败拿破仑的军队。后来,这条桥被官方易命为利菲桥,不过一般民众都称这条桥为半分桥,因为过去通过这桥时都需要缴付半分作为过路钱。
巨人堤道 ,又译为巨人之路,位于北爱尔兰贝尔法斯特西北约80公里处大西洋海岸。由总计约4万根六角形石柱组成8公里的海岸。石柱连绵有序,呈阶梯状延伸入海。
St. Ann's Church on Dawson Street in Dublin, Ireland is a Church of Ireland church, constructed originally around 1720 following the…
Dublinia is a historical recreation museum and visitor attraction in Dublin, Ireland, focusing on the Viking and Medieval history of the…
巴伦国家公园 是位于爱尔兰共和国克莱尔郡的一处国家公园,以喀斯特地形而闻名。在爱尔兰语中,巴伦的意思是大岩石。巴伦国家公园面积约250平方公里,几乎呈圆形。国家公园内有数座村庄。巴伦国家公园内有众多考古学的遗迹。巴伦也以洞窟探险而闻名。此外巴伦还在爱尔兰音乐史上占有一席之地。
Doonagore Castle is a round 16th-century tower house with a small walled enclosure located about 1 km south of the coastal village of…
贝尔法斯特市政厅位于北爱尔兰贝尔法斯特市中心的登戈尔广场。兴建于1898-1906年,建筑师Alfred Brumwell Thomas,耗资£369,000,来自于煤气产业的利润。其外观为巴洛克复兴风格,四角都有塔楼,中心是一个53米的绿色穹顶,控制了市中心的天际线。
Slieve League or Slieve Liag is a mountain on the Atlantic coast of County Donegal, Ireland.
阿伯特纪念钟楼 是位于英国北爱尔兰贝尔法斯特女王广场的一座钟楼,竣工于1869年,是贝尔法斯特最著名的地标之一。
The Old Bushmills Distillery is an alcohol distillery in Bushmills, County Antrim, Northern Ireland, founded in 1784 and owned by Proximo…
Aillwee Cave is a cave system in the karst landscape of the Burren in County Clare, Ireland.
Croagh Patrick, nicknamed 'the Reek', is a mountain with a height of 764 m and an important site of pilgrimage in County Mayo, Ireland.
Lough Melvin is a lake in the northwest of the island of Ireland on the border between County Leitrim and County Fermanagh.
The Glen of Aherlow is a valley located between Slievenamuck and the Galtee Mountains in the western part of County Tipperary in Ireland.
Rathgall, or the Ring of the Rath is a large multivallate hill fort near the town of Shillelagh.
Boyle Abbey is a ruined Cistercian friary located in Boyle, County Roscommon, Ireland. It was founded by Saint Malachy in the 12th century.
The Odyssey Complex, consisting of Odyssey Place and the SSE Arena, is a sports, entertainment and science learning complex located within…