美丽的印度尼西亚缩影公园 是一座位于印度尼西亚东雅加达的文化休闲公园,,面积250英亩…
印度尼西亚国家博物馆 ,是一座集考古学、历史学、人种学与地质学于一身的综合性博物馆,位于中雅加达行政市西独立广场大街,独立广场西侧。因其前院有一座大象雕像,该博物馆被当地居民称作大象博物馆…
Museum Angkut is a transport museum located in Batu, East Java, Indonesia, and located on the hillside of Mount Panderman, part of Mount…
Dieng temples is the group of 7th and/or eighth century Hindu candi or temple compounds located in Dieng Plateau, near Banjarnegara,…
雅加达会议中心 是一座位于印尼雅加达格罗拉蓬卡诺体育园区的会议中心。它拥有一个5000个座位的议会厅、一个3921平方米的礼堂和13个大小不一的会议室。雅加达会议中心和雅加达苏丹公寓式酒店 以地下通道连结。通道有自动人行道和空调。
Brawijaya University, is an autonomous state university in Indonesia established on 5 January 1963, in Malang, East Java.
Bank Indonesia Museum is a bank museum located in Surabaya, Indonesia.