圣伯多禄圣保禄主教座堂 位于捷克布尔诺市中心的彼得罗夫 区,捷克国家文化古迹,摩拉维亚南部最宏伟的建筑和该市的主要地标之一。其钟楼高84米。内部主要是巴洛克风格,而令人印象深刻的外观,两座钟楼,由建筑师奥古斯特·柯尔斯坦建于1904年…
自由广场 旧名下市场 、大广场 ,是布尔诺最重要的广场。坐落在布尔诺旧城的中心,大致呈三角形。
图根哈特别墅 是一座位于捷克共和国布尔诺的历史建筑,为欧洲现代主义建筑的雏形,由德国建筑师路德维希·密斯·凡德罗设计。在1928至1930年间用钢筋混凝土 为弗里茨·图根哈特 和其妻格里塔 建造。
A romantic chateau placed in UNESCO protected area of beautiful parks.
圣雅各伯教堂 是捷克布尔诺的一座晚期哥特式教堂,位于布尔诺中心,老城内的雅各伯广场,其历史可以追溯到的开始13世纪初。在1995年,教堂被列为国家文化古迹。 教堂是布尔诺著名保卫者Louis Raduit de Souches的墓地。教堂的天花板是一系列贵族纹章。
这座尖塔建于1800年左右,现在是一座前景塔,是Chateau Lednice的绝佳步行目的地。也可乘船到达。
Kuželov is a municipality and village in Hodonín District in the South Moravian Region of the Czech Republic. It has about 400 inhabitants.
Bítov Castle is a castle on a steep promontory towering above the meandering River Želetavka, near the Vranov reservoir, in the village of…
The Rotunda of St. Catherine, known as the Znojmo Rotunda, is a Romanesque rotunda located in Znojmo, Czech Republic.
A gorgeous chateau built in Empire style with a beautiful French garden and an English park and then, up on the hill, is the ruin of a…
The Roman fort is an archaeological site located in Mušov, Czech Republic, of a Roman army camp on the Dyje-Svratka-Jihlava confluence.
Mikulov Castle is a castle in the town of Mikulov in South Moravian Region of the Czech Republic.
Vranov nad Dyjí is a market town in Znojmo District in the South Moravian Region of the Czech Republic. It has about 900 inhabitants.
Orlovice is a village and municipality in Vyškov District, in the South Moravian Region of the Czech Republic.
The Kunštát Castle is a castle in Kunštát in the South Moravian Region of the Czech Republic.