大广场 是一座位于瑞典斯德哥尔摩老城中心的城市广场。这是斯德哥尔摩最古老的广场,中世纪老城环绕它逐渐形成。如今,广场每年都有数以万计的游客光顾该广场,偶尔也会举行示威和表演。并以提供传统手工艺品和食品的年度圣诞市场而闻名。
Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan's Mosque, commonly known as the Stockholm Mosque or the Stockholm Grand Mosque, is the largest mosque in…
图尔加恩宫 是瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩以南南曼兰省的一座宫殿建筑,修建于1720年代。图尔加宫的建筑外观融合了洛可可、古斯塔夫和维多利亚风格,室内设计被认为是瑞典最佳的设计之一。该宫殿也曾是瑞典王室的夏宫之一。
Häringe Castle is a former manor house in Södermanland, Sweden. It is located about 35 km south of Stockholm and lies within the Häringe…
A hub of contemporary art and architecture where you can get inspired by the emphasis on freshness and multi-disciplinary approach.
Parken Zoo is a combined amusement park and zoo in the town of Eskilstuna in Sweden.
Frantzén, until 2013 Frantzén/Lindeberg, is a restaurant in Stockholm, situated on Klara Norra kyrkogata number 26.
The Swedish Market Court is a Swedish government agency that answers to the Ministry of Integration and Gender Equality.
Hjälmare Canal is a 13 kilometres long canal that connects Lake Hjälmaren with Lake Mälaren in Sweden.
The Swedish Internet Foundation is an independent public-service organisation that acts to ensure positive development of the internet.
The longest long-distance trail in Sweden will take you through various natural and cultural heritage areas.
Sicklauddsbron or Apatêbron is a bridge in central Stockholm, Sweden. It stretches over Sickla kanal in Södra Hammarbyhamnen.