圣拉撒路教堂 是位于塞浦路斯城市拉纳卡的一座修建于9世纪晚期的教堂。圣拉撒路教堂是一座希腊正教会的教堂,教堂名称来自于新约圣经中的拉撒路。
Larnaca Castle is a castle located on the southern coast of Cyprus. It was constructed to defend the southern coast of Cyprus and the…
Hala Sultan Tekke is a mosque and tekke complex on the west bank of Larnaca Salt Lake, in Larnaca, Cyprus.
基提翁或季蒂昂是位于塞浦路斯南部 的一个城邦王国,于公元前13世纪由希腊定居在建立,当地最知名的人物为古希腊斯多噶学派哲学家季蒂昂的芝诺。
Kamares Aqueduct, also known as the Bekir Pasha Aqueduct, is an aqueduct near Larnaca, Cyprus.
This mashup of various architectural styles used to stand in the centre of the city - until 1974. There is a marble mausoleum next to it.
MS Zenobia was a Swedish-built Challenger-class RO-RO ferry launched in 1979 that capsized and sank in the Mediterranean Sea, close to…
The Armenian Genocide Memorial in Larnaca, Cyprus, is a monument dedicated to the martyrs and survivors of the Armenian genocide of 1915…