鲁汶市政厅 是比利时鲁汶的地标建筑,位于鲁汶大广场 ,圣伯多禄教堂对面。晚期哥特式风格,1448年3月28日奠基,1469年完成。虽历经两次世界大战,仍得以幸存。
The city of Leuven in Belgium was the seat of three successive universities, each of which had a notable academic library.
圣伯多禄教堂 是比利时鲁汶的一座天主教堂,位于市中心的鲁汶大广场 ,鲁汶市政厅对面。
The Hortus Botanicus Lovaniensis is a botanical garden in Leuven, Belgium, dating from 1738.
The Sint-Donatus Park is an urban park with a village green in Leuven, Belgium.
The Collegium Trilingue, often also called Collegium trium linguarum, or, after its creator Collegium Buslidianum, was founded in 1517…
The American College of the Immaculate Conception, or the American College of Louvain is a former Roman Catholic seminary in Leuven,…
拉德斯蒙席广场 是比利时鲁汶最大的广场,位于该市的中心. 广场得名于天主教鲁汶大学前校长拉德斯蒙席。
M – Museum Leuven or simply M is an art museum in the inner city of Leuven, Belgium, which was officially opened in 2009.
Action is an, originally Dutch, international discount store-chain, owned by the British private-equity fund 3i.
鲁汶大贝居安会院 位于比利时鲁汶中南部,由近100栋建筑组成的贝居安会院和相关历史街区组成,是低地国家现存规模最大的贝居安会院建筑群之一。鲁汶大贝居安会院是世界遗产“佛兰德的贝居安会院”的一部分,今为荷兰语天主教鲁汶大学所有,部分建筑用作学生及访问学者宿舍。
Group T is a college in Leuven, Belgium. The school was formed by a fusion of an existing school for technical engineers and the Provinciale…
The Lemmensinstituut is a Belgian conservatory of music. It was founded in Mechelen, in 1879, by the Belgian bishops as the École de musique…