It is said that Bernadette had seen 18 apparitions of Virgin Mary here, and also have discovered a miraculous water spring in this cave.
卢尔德圣母朝圣地是天主教会一处敬礼卢尔德圣母的朝圣地,位于法国卢尔德。它包括马撒比耶石洞、附近的流出卢尔德圣水的泉流,以及卢尔德医学委员会 的办事处,以及若干教堂和宗座圣殿如圣母无玷始胎圣殿、玫瑰圣母圣殿和圣庇护十世圣殿。它占地面积为51公顷,包括22个不同的崇拜地点。…
The château fort de Lourdes is a historic castle located in Lourdes in the Hautes-Pyrénées département of France.
圣庇护十世圣殿,又名地下圣殿,是一座大型罗马天主教教堂、宗座圣殿,位于法国卢尔德。它是露德圣母朝圣地的一部分. 露德是天主教的主要朝圣地之一,天主教赞同圣母在此向圣女伯尔纳德显现的观点。
圣母无玷始胎圣殿 ,俗称“上教堂”,是一座罗马天主教宗座圣殿,位于法国露德圣母朝圣地内。它建于1866年到1872年,1876年祝圣,是第二座完成的教堂。该教堂建于山洞上方的岩石顶部,毗邻玫瑰圣母圣殿。
This beautiful parish church, built to replace a destroyed one, is an interesting sight. Courageous tourists can explore its crypt.
卢尔德圣母朝圣地是天主教会一处敬礼卢尔德圣母的朝圣地,位于法国卢尔德。它包括马撒比耶石洞、附近的流出卢尔德圣水的泉流,以及卢尔德医学委员会 的办事处,以及若干教堂和宗座圣殿如圣母无玷始胎圣殿、玫瑰圣母圣殿和圣庇护十世圣殿。它占地面积为51公顷,包括22个不同的崇拜地点。…
The funiculaire du pic du Jer, or Pic du Jer funicular, is a funicular railway in the French département of Hautes-Pyrénées.
Travel back in time and get to know the early life in Lourdes. Discover a wide collection of ancient tools and costumes, all in one place.
If you are interested in Bernadette's early life, you need to visit the water mill which has been reconstructed to its former glory in 2012.
Also called the Lacadé water-mill, this house was a gift from the priest of the parish to Bernadette’s parents. Today it serves as a museum.
This glacial lake has a restaurant, children's playground, picnic area, you can rent pedalos, go fishing or mountain biking. Do not miss!
The funiculaire du pic du Jer, or Pic du Jer funicular, is a funicular railway in the French département of Hautes-Pyrénées.
This hiking trail connects a castle near Pau with Lourdes Lake. If you prefer active leisure, go mountain biking and enjoy stunning scenery.