维斯马 ,是德国北部梅克伦堡-前波美拉尼亚州的一个市镇。总面积41.69平方公里,总人口44057人,其中男性21541人,女性22516人 ,人口密度1 057人…
宾茨 是德国梅克伦堡-前波美拉尼亚州的一个市镇。总面积25.22平方公里,总人口5399人,其中男性2621人,女性2778人 ,人口密度214人/平方公里。
钦诺维茨 是德国梅克伦堡-前波美拉尼亚州的市镇,隶属于前波美拉尼亚-格赖夫斯瓦尔德县。总面积为8.89平方千米,截至2022年12月31日总人口为4,194人。
The Kamp is a triangular, lime-fringed park, about two hectares in area, which was laid out in 1800 in the centre of the small German town…
The beach seems to be never-ending. The seaside resort nearby makes for a perfect and relaxing vacation.
Camp Fünfeichen was a World War II German prisoner-of-war camp located in Fünfeichen, a former estate within the city limits of…
The sand here is simply divine and the nearby resort offers spa treatments which will make your vacation perfect.