The Glockenspiel House is a building in Bremen in the north of Germany.
The Am Wall Windmill is an important and iconic building in Bremen, Germany.
The Schlachte is a promenade along the east bank of the River Weser in the old town of Bremen in the north of Germany.
The Paula Modersohn-Becker Museum in Bremen, Germany, is the first museum in the world devoted to a female artist.
不来梅艺术馆 是德国不来梅的一个艺术博物馆,位于靠近不来梅老城的“文化区” 。它建于1849年,1902年由建筑师爱德华·吉尔德迈斯特扩建,此后又扩建了几次,最主要的是在2011年。自1977年以来,该建筑已被列入德国建筑遗产名录的“文化遗产” 。该博物馆收藏14…
不来梅市政厅 ,是德国不来梅市的市政厅,是欧洲最重要的哥特式建筑之一,2004年它同不来梅罗兰像一起入选联合国教科文组织的世界文化遗产名录。不来梅市政厅建筑现在是不来梅市市长和议会主席的驻地。
不来梅海外博物馆 是位于德国城市不来梅市的一座自然史博物馆,收藏来自世界各地的自然史藏品。博物馆的建筑自1993年开始被列为保护建筑。
Wilhelm Wagenfeld House is a design museum and exhibition centre in Bremen, Germany.
The Church of Our Lady is an Evangelical Protestant church situated northwest of the Market Square in Bremen, Germany.
The Gerhard Marcks Museum or Gerhard Marcks House is a museum in Bremen, Germany, inspired by the work of the sculptor and graphic artist…
St. John's Church is a Roman Catholic provost church in Bremen. It was built in the fourteenth century as a Franciscan abbey church and…
Robinson Crusoe House is a stepped-gabled house on Böttcherstraße in the old town district of Bremen, Germany.
Focke's wind tunnel is a fully operational wind tunnel in the former private laboratory of the aviation pioneer Henrich Focke, co-founder…
施诺尔 是位于德国城市不莱梅市中心的一个地区。施诺尔仍然保留了中世纪时期的风景。现在施诺尔最古老的建筑的历史可以追溯至15世纪,大部分建筑修建于17至18世纪。
The Landgericht Bremen in the courthouse of the State of Bremen on the Domsheide in the old town of Bremen, Germany.