Peacock Lane is a four-block street in southeast Portland, Oregon, in the United States.
Powell's Books is a chain of bookstores in Portland, Oregon, and its surrounding metropolitan area.
When you're visiting Portland, you have to taste these legendary doughnuts! The unusual venue also serves as a wedding chapel.
兰苏园 ,原名波特兰中国古典园林 ,又称醒兰园 是美国俄勒冈州波特兰的一座中国古典园林。它位于该市老城唐人街,占地大约40,000平方英尺 。该园是根据多座苏州古典园林的风格所设计并建造的。园名即是取波特兰的“兰”字和苏州的“苏”字。
Governor Tom McCall Waterfront Park is a 36.59-acre park located in downtown Portland, Oregon, along the Willamette River.
马尔特诺马瀑布 ,或马特诺玛瀑布,是位于哥伦比亚河峡谷南岸 的一个瀑布。瀑布主要分为两段,其中一段在542英尺 处,紧接着的一段在69英尺 处,两段瀑布中间有一段9英尺 的斜坡,因此一般认为整个瀑布的落差为620英尺…
Washington Park is a public urban park in Portland in the U.S. state of Oregon.
皮托克邸 是位于美国俄勒冈州波特兰的一座法式城堡,为法国文艺复兴式风格。皮托克邸建造于1914年,曾是俄勒冈人报创办人亨利˙皮托克与其夫人乔治安娜˙伯顿˙皮托克的宅邸。该宅邸占地46英亩,并有46个房间,以特奈诺的砂岩所建造。现在皮托克邸由波特兰市公园局所有。
俄勒冈动物园 又称俄勒冈州动物园,最初名为波特兰动物园 ,后来又改叫华盛顿公园动物园 ,是一个位于美国俄勒冈州波特兰华盛顿公园的动物园,位于波特兰市中心西南约3…
马特诺玛瀑布 是位于哥伦比亚河峡谷南岸 的一个瀑布。瀑布主要分为两段,其中一段在542英尺 处,紧接着的一段在69英尺 处,两段瀑布中间有一段9英尺 的斜坡,因此一般认为整个瀑布的落差为620英尺…
The collection of this museum consists of various anomalies, peculiarities and mysteries. Learn more about UFO, yettis and more!
Horsetail Falls is a waterfall located on Horsetail Creek along the Columbia River Gorge in Multnomah County, in the U.S. state of Oregon.
Vista House is a museum at Crown Point in Multnomah County, Oregon, that also serves as a memorial to Oregon pioneers and as a comfort…
Oneonta Gorge is a scenic gorge located in the Columbia River Gorge area of the American state of Oregon. The U.S.
圣约翰大桥 是美国俄勒冈州波特兰市一座钢构悬索桥,跨越威拉米特河,连接了波特兰西北部工业区的圣约翰和对岸的Linnton,是波特兰的三座公路悬索桥中唯一一座跨过威拉米特河的桥梁。
There are a number of statues of Paul Bunyan on display in the United States.
Jantzen Beach Center is an outdoor shopping mall located in Portland, Oregon, on Hayden Island in the Columbia River, known as Jantzen…