拜内克古籍善本图书馆 是1963年拜内克家族的礼物,由普利兹克奖建筑师戈登·邦沙夫特设计,位于纽黑文耶鲁校园中心的华尔街121号休伊特方庭 ,又名“拜内克广场” 。,是世界上最大的专为保存珍贵书籍和手稿的建筑。
A home to the oldest buildings of Yale University, such as the Connecticut Hall or the Lanman-Wright Hall.
Five Mile Point Light, also known as Five Mile Point Lighthouse or Old New Haven Harbor Lighthouse, is a U.S. lighthouse in Long Island…
耶鲁大学美术馆 位于美国康涅狄格州纽黑文耶鲁大学校园的几栋建筑中,以收藏意大利早期绘画、非洲雕塑,和现代艺术著称。
皮博迪自然史博物馆 位于美国康涅狄格州纽黑文惠特尼大道170号,属于耶鲁大学,是世界上历史最悠久,规模最大,藏品最丰富的大学自然史博物馆之一。
耶鲁大学英国艺术中心 位于美国康涅狄格州纽黑文市中心,是英国以外规模最大,最全面的英国艺术收藏地点。收藏的绘画,雕塑,素描,版画,手稿,反映了从伊丽莎白时期起,英国的艺术和文化的发展。
绿地三一堂 是一座圣公会教堂,位于康涅狄格州纽黑文市中心的纽黑文绿地。目前的建筑于1816年启用,哥特复兴风格,由Ithiel Town设计。1970年列入纽黑文绿地历史地区的一部分。
East Rock Park is a park in the city of New Haven and the town of Hamden, Connecticut that is operated as a New Haven city park.
Frank Pepe Pizzeria Napoletana, commonly known as Frank Pepe's or simply Pepe's (), is a popular pizza restaurant in the Wooster Square…
Grove Street Cemetery or Grove Street Burial Ground is a cemetery in New Haven, Connecticut, that is surrounded by the Yale University…
耶鲁大学美术馆 位于美国康涅狄格州纽黑文耶鲁大学校园的几栋建筑中,以收藏意大利早期绘画、非洲雕塑,和现代艺术著称。
The Pardee-Morris House, also known as John Morris House, is a historic house museum at 325 Lighthouse Road in New Haven, Connecticut.
Wooster Square is a neighborhood in the city of New Haven, Connecticut, to the east of downtown.
The Marsh Botanical Garden is a botanical garden and arboretum located on the Yale University campus at 265 Mansfield Street in New Haven,…
The Yale Bowl Stadium is a college football stadium in the northeast United States, located in New Haven, Connecticut, on the border of…
Southern Connecticut State University is a public university in New Haven, Connecticut.
Edgerton Park, also known as the Frederick F. Brewster Estate, is a 20-acre public park on Whitney Avenue, straddling the New Haven–Hamden…
Yale New Haven Hospital is a 1,541-bed hospital located in New Haven, Connecticut.
Oldest hamburger restaurant in the US. In other words, the birthplace of hamburger!
Sally's Apizza is a pizzeria in the Wooster Square neighborhood of New Haven, Connecticut.