If you are a geek and a fan of Gundam shows, this is your destination! You'll find everything connected to the anime here.
A shopping mall that takes Venice as its theme. Features mainly all kinds of fashion brands.
This bathing facility utilizes a hot spring located in Koto. You can choose from foot, rock or sand baths to heal your mind and body.
调色板城大摩天轮 是位于日本东京都江东区青海一丁目的调色板城内的摩天轮,高115米 ,直径100米 ,16分钟一圈,夜间灯光有超过100种色彩。1999年开始营业时曾是世界上最高的摩天轮,现在则是日本第三高摩天轮,仅次于钻石与花大摩天轮和红马摩天轮。
Joypolis is a chain of indoor amusement parks created by Sega and run by CA Sega Joypolis.
Mega Web, or Megaweb, was a car theme park operated by Toyota in Odaiba's Palette Town, Tokyo, Japan.
This skyscraper is a great example of structural expressionism. It houses some offices, a media tower and an observation platform.
台场城东京 是位于日本东京都江东区青海的一座复合型商业设施和办公楼,由三井不动产和产经大厦管理运营。建筑内的商业和娱乐部分由三井不动产运营,办公楼部分由产经大厦运营。台场城东京开业于2012年4月,在屋顶设有屋顶菜园。
株式会社富士电视 ,通称富士电视台 ,简称“CX” ,为日本一家以关东地方为主要播放区域的无线电视台,是富士新闻网 及富士电视网…
This artificial island is a Mecca of commerce. Visit this huge mall, browse the stores and try out the gaming arcade.
以其创始人玛丽·杜莎(Marie Tussaud)命名的标志性蜡像馆可以追溯到18世纪下半叶。在玛丽自己制造的第一批人物中,例如伏尔泰和本杰明富兰克林。
Take your children to their paradise and let them enjoy its unique atmosphere. Visit a nice store selling thousands of toys.
One of Tokyo's numerous amusement centres with bowling, karaoke, arcade games and more. Explore Tokyo's fun side.
Mega Web, or Megaweb, was a car theme park operated by Toyota in Odaiba's Palette Town, Tokyo, Japan.
Symbol Promenade Park is a park in Odaiba, Tokyo, Japan. The park opened in 1996.The Flame of Freedom is installed in the park.