月桂 ,又称月桂树、桂冠树、甜月桂、月桂冠,是调味料月桂叶的来源。原产于地中海沿岸及小亚细亚一带灌木岩石区,现已遍布世界各地。
南欧紫荆 ,属于苏木亚科紫荆属的一种落叶乔木,其高度不超过10米,原产于南欧和西亚,性喜钙质较干燥土壤。叶子较圆,尾部呈V形,绿色带微蓝,先开花后生叶,花为紫红色,非常美观,果实为豆荚。常被作为公园、院落观赏植物而栽种。
南欧紫荆 ,属于苏木亚科紫荆属的一种落叶乔木,其高度不超过10米,原产于南欧和西亚,性喜钙质较干燥土壤。叶子较圆,尾部呈V形,绿色带微蓝,先开花后生叶,花为紫红色,非常美观,果实为豆荚。常被作为公园、院落观赏植物而栽种。
南欧紫荆 ,属于苏木亚科紫荆属的一种落叶乔木,其高度不超过10米,原产于南欧和西亚,性喜钙质较干燥土壤。叶子较圆,尾部呈V形,绿色带微蓝,先开花后生叶,花为紫红色,非常美观,果实为豆荚。常被作为公园、院落观赏植物而栽种。
Crataegus monogyna, known as common hawthorn, oneseed hawthorn, or single-seeded hawthorn, is a species of hawthorn native to Europe,…
欧洲角树 是桦树桦木科的一种,原产于西亚和中欧、东欧和南欧,包括英格兰南部。它需要温暖的气候才能良好地生长,并且只生长在海拔高达一千米的地方。它生长在与橡树的混合林中,或在山毛榉的某些地区。
Quercus pubescens, the downy oak or pubescent oak, is a species of white oak native to southern Europe and southwest Asia, from northern…
Quercus pubescens, the downy oak or pubescent oak, is a species of white oak native to southern Europe and southwest Asia, from northern…
Quercus pubescens, the downy oak or pubescent oak, is a species of white oak native to southern Europe and southwest Asia, from northern…
Quercus pubescens, the downy oak or pubescent oak, is a species of white oak native to southern Europe and southwest Asia, from northern…
Quercus pubescens, the downy oak or pubescent oak, is a species of white oak native to southern Europe and southwest Asia, from northern…
Quercus pubescens, the downy oak or pubescent oak, is a species of white oak native to southern Europe and southwest Asia, from northern…
圆柄黄连木 是漆树科黄连木属植物,分布于地中海地区和沙特阿拉伯。巴勒斯坦黄连木 曾经是一个独立的种,但形态学及分子生物学的研究表明巴勒斯坦黄连木应并入本种。
圆柄黄连木 是漆树科黄连木属植物,分布于地中海地区和沙特阿拉伯。巴勒斯坦黄连木 曾经是一个独立的种,但形态学及分子生物学的研究表明巴勒斯坦黄连木应并入本种。
Celtis australis, commonly known as the European nettle tree, Mediterranean hackberry, lote tree, or honeyberry, is a deciduous tree native…
Celtis australis, commonly known as the European nettle tree, Mediterranean hackberry, lote tree, or honeyberry, is a deciduous tree native…
Ostrya carpinifolia, the European hop-hornbeam, is a tree in the family Betulaceae.