拉普拉塔主教座堂 ,全名无玷始胎主教座堂 ,是阿根廷城市拉普拉塔最大的罗马天主教教堂,新哥特式风格,位于市中心,面对中心广场 Moreno广场和市政厅。
The La Plata Museum is a natural history museum in La Plata, Argentina.
拉普拉塔城体育场 ,为阿根廷拉普拉塔市的一个多用途体育场。该体育场为布宜诺斯艾利斯省政府所有。为拉普拉塔大学生、拉普拉塔体操击剑俱乐部的主场所在地。
The Children's Republic, is a theme park located in La Plata, Argentina.
The Rafael Hernández National College is one of the four public high schools that are part of the National University of La Plata, in the…
Florentino Ameghino was an Argentine naturalist, paleontologist, anthropologist and zoologist, whose fossil discoveries on the Argentine…