The place offers all sorts of souvenirs and traditional Pernambuco's handicrafts, such as wood carvings, clay figurines, leather goods, etc.
A sculpture park on the reefs of the port of Recife features over 90 sculptures by Francisco Brennand. Definitely a must-see.
The Ricardo Brennand Institute is a cultural institution located in the city of Recife, Brazil.
Out of all the amazing beaches you can choose from, the one near the Boa Viagem district stands out. A great place to chill out at!
With its baroque architecture, this building is outstanding. It was built in the 16th century as the first Franciscan convent in Brazil.
费尔南多·迪诺罗尼亚群岛 ,是巴西伯南布哥州辖下的一个群岛,位于伯南布哥州海岸外354公里的大西洋中。该群岛由21个岛屿组成,主岛面积18.4平方公里,人口3012人 。2001年被列入世界自然遗产。
The Projeto TAMAR is a Brazilian non-profit organization owned by the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation.
芒果树 也作檬果树、杧果树,是芒果属的一种植物,果实为芒果,原产南亚东北部和中南半岛,在梵语中叫作āmra,音译为“菴罗”,性喜高温、干燥的天气,营养生长期 最适合温度为24-30℃,气温降到18℃以下时生长缓慢,10℃以下停止生长,生殖生长期…
Forte de Santo Inácio is a fort located in Tamandaré, Pernambuco in Brazil. The fort was restored in 2015.
卡廷鲍国家公园 ,是巴西的国家公园,位于该国东北部伯南布哥州,成立于2002年12月13日,占地6.2万公顷,覆盖布伊基、伊比米林和图帕纳廷加地区。
The Projeto TAMAR is a Brazilian non-profit organization owned by the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation.
The Projeto TAMAR is a Brazilian non-profit organization owned by the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation.
The Projeto TAMAR is a Brazilian non-profit organization owned by the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation.