乌尔姆大教堂 是坐落在德国乌尔姆的一座哥特式教堂,属基督新教路德宗。乌尔姆大教堂的塔顶高161.53米,共有768级台阶,是世界上最高的教堂。尽管该教堂在历史上从未成为主教座堂,但因其宏伟的哥特式教堂建筑结构而闻名于世。乌尔姆大教堂最多可以容纳3万人,是仅次于科隆主教座堂…
Meersburg Castle, also known as the Alte Burg, in Meersburg on Lake Constance in Baden-Württemberg, Germany, is considered to be one of the…
The Zeppelin Museum Friedrichshafen is a museum in Friedrichshafen in Germany, the birthplace of the Zeppelin airship.
蓝锅 位在德国布劳博伊伦巴登-符腾堡,是施瓦本汝拉山南部边缘的蓝河发源地,在乌尔姆约22公里处流入多瑙河。
西格马林根城堡 是位于德国巴登-符腾堡的西格马林根的标志性建筑,原为霍亨索伦-西格马林根侯国的政府驻地。城堡位于多瑙河畔的一座小山丘上。
The Neues Schloss Meersburg is located in Meersburg near Lake Constance in Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
A quirky monument to Einstein who was born here and a remarkable piece of modern art. Do not miss the nearby armoury.
乌尔姆大教堂 是坐落在德国乌尔姆的一座哥特式教堂,属基督新教路德宗。乌尔姆大教堂的塔顶高161.53米,共有768级台阶,是世界上最高的教堂。尽管该教堂在历史上从未成为主教座堂,但因其宏伟的哥特式教堂建筑结构而闻名于世。乌尔姆大教堂最多可以容纳3万人,是仅次于科隆主教座堂…
Wiblingen Abbey was a former Benedictine abbey which was later used as barracks.
The Dornier Museum Friedrichshafen is an aerospace museum located in the German town of Friederichshafen near Lake Constance.
The Hohle Fels is a cave in the Swabian Jura of Germany that has yielded a number of important archaeological finds dating from the Upper…
Schloss Wolfegg is a Renaissance castle next to the town of Wolfegg in Upper Swabia.
Tettnang Castle, also known as the Tettnang New Palace, is one of three castles in the German town of Tettnang.
The Dornier Museum Friedrichshafen is an aerospace museum located in the German town of Friederichshafen near Lake Constance.
Schloss Heiligenberg is a Renaissance-style castle in Heiligenberg, Linzgau, north of the Bodensee.
山道是在鞍部或山坳指穿越山脉或山脊的道路。汉语中用作地名时,一般用山口、陉、道、关等词,如唐古拉山口、太行陉、褒斜道、潼关。山道通常会选择在鞍部处穿越,此段路线又可称为山口、关口、隘口。日语汉字将山道的最高点称做“峠” 。
圣玛尔定主教座堂 是天主教罗滕堡-斯图加特教区的主教座堂,位于德国内卡河畔罗滕堡,供奉都尔的圣玛尔定。该教区另在斯图加特设副主教座堂,圣埃伯哈德主教座堂.