新市政厅 是位于德国汉诺威的一座建筑,开幕于1913年7月20日,修建耗时12年,耗资1,000万马克,是汉诺威的市政厅。二战期间建筑受到损坏,战后得到修复。
旧市政厅 是德国城市汉诺威的第一座市政厅。这座建筑始建于1410年。第二次世界大战期间,旧市政厅毁于大规模空袭。二战之后该建筑重建于1953年至1964年。旧市政厅也是汉诺威历史最古老的世俗建筑。
海恩豪森王宫花园 ,位于德国下萨克森州首府汉诺威市内,由大花园 、小山花园、乔治花园和威尔芬花园所组成,原属于汉诺威王室遗产。
汉诺威州立歌剧院 是位于德国城市汉诺威的一座歌剧院,在每年九月至次年六月营业。汉诺威州立歌剧院修建于1845年至1852年期间,是一座新古典主义风格建筑。二战期间歌剧院遭到严重破坏,在1948年重建。
Spend the day with your family in the park, where you can find about 100 species of wild animals. Not only your children will be excited!
Landestrost Castle is a castle in the Weser Renaissance style that was built between 1573 and 1584 in Neustadt am Rübenberge in the north…
The Kloster Mariensee is an Evangelical Lutheran women's convent in Mariensee, a district of Neustadt am Rübenberge close to Hanover.
Hannoversches Straßenbahn-Museum or Hanover Tramway Museum comprises a collection of tramcars from all over Germany, and is located on the…
The Deister is a chain of hills in the German state of Lower Saxony, about 15 mi southwest of the city of Hanover.
Wilhelmstein is an artificial island with an area of 12,500 square metres in lake Steinhuder Meer, located in the Hanover Region, Northern…
This Romanesque church made from sandstone is the oldest church in the Hannover region. It is preserved almost in its original shape.