施韦青根宫 是一座位于德国巴登-符腾堡州的宫殿建筑。这里曾是卡尔·菲利普三世和卡尔·泰奥多尔的夏宫。宫殿以其宽敞而华丽的花园而著称,并且保存状态良好。宫殿主要修建于17世纪,内部还有一个剧场。施韦青根宫还是施韦青根节的主办会场。
Windeck Castle stands on a small hill in Weinheim on the Bergstraße. It was built around 1100 to protect the inhabitants of the Lorsch…
Steinsberg Castle is a castle in the village of Weiler, a suburb of Sinsheim in the German state of Baden-Württemberg.
The Automuseum Dr. Carl Benz is a privately owned automobile museum in Ladenburg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
Schloss Eichtersheim, formerly also Schloß Eichtersheim is a manor house situated in Eichtersheim, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
协和式客机 是一款由法国宇航和英国飞机公司联合研制的中程超音速客机,它和苏联图波列夫设计局的图-144同为世界上少数曾投入商业使用的超音速客机。协和式客机在1969年首飞、1976年投入服务,主要用于执行从伦敦希思罗机场 和巴黎戴高乐国际机场…
Dilsberg Castle is a ruined castle located in Neckargemünd, Germany. It was built by the counts of Lauffen in the 12th century, but in the…
普法战争,法国称1870年法德战争 ,在德国称德法战争 ,是一场在普鲁士王国与法兰西第二帝国之间爆发的战争,双方的目标是争夺欧洲西部的陆上霸权。这场战争是德国统一运动中的第三场也是最后一场战争,最终普鲁士大获全胜,以建立起统一的德意志帝国而告终。
Schlosstheater Schwetzingen is a court theater in Schwetzingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
思爱普公司是德国一家软件企业,总部位于德国巴登符腾堡州瓦尔多夫,主营企业资源管理软件,在130个国家设有办事处,在190个国家拥有超过335,000名客户。该公司股票是欧洲Stoxx 50股票市场指数的成分股。
Schloss Michelfeld is a manor house situated in Michelfeld, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
BWT-Stadion am Hardtwald is a football stadium in Sandhausen, Germany.
The Mauer 1 mandible is the oldest-known specimen of the genus Homo in Germany.
The Wiesloch Feldbahn and Industrial Museum is a narrow-gauge railway and industrial heritage open-air museum established in 2001, at…
Museum Autovision is a museum for cars, motorcycles, bicycles and alternative propulsion in Altlußheim, a small town in Baden-Württemberg,…
Gurs internment camp was an internment camp and prisoner of war camp constructed in 1939 in Gurs, a site in southwestern France, not far…
The Freudenberg Group is a German family-owned diversified group of companies whose products include housewares and cleaning products,…