伊朗国家博物馆 是伊朗的国家博物馆,位于伊朗德黑兰,由古伊朗博物馆 和伊斯兰时代的伊朗博物馆 两部分组成,二者分别建立于1937年和1972年。
古列斯坦宫 ,意为“花园宫”,是伊朗首都德黑兰的宫殿建筑。古列斯坦宫主体建筑可追溯至萨法维王朝,后来恺加王朝定都德黑兰,古列斯坦宫正式成为皇室宫殿。伊斯兰革命胜利后,古列斯坦宫成为博物馆向公众开放。
The City Theater is a performing arts complex in Tehran, the capital of Iran.
National Botanical Garden of Iran is a Botanical Garden in Tehran, Iran.
道格拉斯DC-3是一款由道格拉斯飞行器公司生产的双引擎螺旋桨飞机。它是DC-2的改良版,提供多个民用或军用版本 ,使它成为最受欢迎的螺旋桨飞机之一,同时因其在第二次世界大战中的表现,它被认为是航空史上最具代表性的运输机之一。
The Treasury of National Jewels is a museum in Iran. It reopened to public in 1992 after years of being removed from view.Affiliated with…
阿扎迪塔 ,原名沙希亚德塔 ,位于伊朗首都德黑兰阿扎迪广场的一座纪念碑,是德黑兰的地标,也是伊朗的象征和阿扎迪文化综合体的一部分,其中还包括一个地下博物馆。
Laleh Park, is a large recreation area of the Iranian capital Tehran. Laleh is the Persian word for tulip, which is also a popular symbol in…
The Vahdat Hall, formerly the Roudaki Hall, is a performing arts complex in Tehran, Iran.
The Museum of the Qasr Prison is a historical complex in Tehran, Iran.
谢里夫理工大学 是伊朗公立研究型大学,是在伊朗名列前茅的工程和物理科学学院,被称为“伊朗的麻省理工学院”。其主校区位于首都德黑兰,另有国际校区位于波斯湾中的基什岛。
The Iran Mall is the biggest shopping mall in the world and one of the largest commercial, cultural and social projects in the world…
The Marble Throne is a 250-year-old royal throne in Golestan Palace, Tehran, Iran.
专家会议 是伊朗政府中由乌理玛 组成的特殊权力机构,负责选举伊朗最高领袖,并对其进行监督,必要时甚至可将最高领袖罢免,不过这种情况还从未发生过。专家会议议员由选民直接选举,任期固定为八年,每届人数可能会有所改变…
Saint Sarkis Cathedral is an Armenian Apostolic church in Tehran, Iran, completed in 1970 and named after Saint Sarkis the Warrior.
Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch is a private research university located in Tehran, Iran.
The Embassy of the United States of America in Tehran was the United States of America's diplomatic mission in the Imperial State of Iran.
Chitgar Lake is an artificial and recreational lake located to the north of Chitgar Park in northwestern Tehran, Iran.
Shams-ol-Emareh is one of Tehran’s historical buildings and a remnant of Qajar Persia.
The Grand Mosalla Mosque of Tehran, also known as the Imam Khomeini Mosalla, is a mosque in Tehran, Iran.