Rozafa Castle or Shkodër Castle is a castle near the city of Shkodër, in northwestern Albania.
斯库台 是位于阿尔巴尼亚西北部,斯库台州的都市。临近斯库台湖,是斯库台州的首府,也是阿尔巴尼亚的城市中,最具历史的城市之一。斯库台也是阿尔巴尼亚北部文化及经济的中心。斯库台的人口有95,907人,算上附近地区,斯库台州的人口则有217,375人。是次于爱尔巴桑…
德肋撒修女 ,或特里萨修女 、特蕾莎修女,天主教会中称加尔各答圣德肋撒修女 ,原名阿涅泽·冈婕·博亚久 ,阿尔巴尼亚裔印度籍罗马天主教修女及传教士,生于时属奥斯曼帝国科索沃省的斯科普里 。在马其顿生活近十八年后,德肋撒迁往爱尔兰,后迁往印度,并于印度度过其半生。
The Ebu Bekër Mosque, also known as the New Fushë Çela Mosque and sometimes referred to simply as Xhamia e Madhe, is a mosque in Shkodër…
Rozafa Castle, also known as the Shkodër Castle is a castle near the city of Shkodër, in northwestern Albania.
Shkodër is the fifth-most-populous city of the Republic of Albania and the seat of Shkodër County and Shkodër Municipality.
Rozafa Castle, also known as the Shkodër Castle is a castle near the city of Shkodër, in northwestern Albania.
阿尔巴尼亚铁路 ,简称HSH,是阿尔巴尼亚的国有铁路公司。阿尔巴尼亚铁路的主要枢纽车站位于亚得里亚海的港口城市都拉斯。
Mesi Bridge is a bridge in the village of Mes, about 5 km northeast of Shkodër, in northwestern Albania.
Drisht Castle is a ruined castle above the modern Albanian village of Drisht, medieval Drivastum, in the municipal unit Postribë, Shkodër…
Mesi Bridge is a bridge in the village of Mes, about 5 km northeast of Shkodër, in northwestern Albania.
Dajç is a village and a former municipality in the Shkodër County, northwestern Albania.
弗朗茨·诺普札·冯·法西欧-锡尔瓦什男爵 是匈牙利贵族、冒险家、学者、地质学家和古生物学家。 他被广泛认为是古生物学的奠基人之一,他首先描述了岛屿侏儒化的理论。他还是阿尔巴尼亚研究的专家,并完成了阿尔巴尼亚北部的第一张地质图。