马尼亚塞城堡 是意大利西西里大区锡拉库萨的一座城堡,位于奥提伽岛岬角的远端,由腓特烈二世建于1232年至1240年间。它得名于拜占庭帝国将军乔治·马尼亚克,他在1038年包围并占领了这座城市。最初,人们只能通过横跨护城河…
狄奥尼修斯之耳 是意大利西西里岛东南部城市锡拉库萨的一个人工开凿的石灰石洞穴,位于Temenites 山。它的名字是因为其形状类似人类的耳朵。
锡拉库沙希腊剧场 是位于意大利西西里岛东部城市锡拉库萨的一座古希腊时期的剧场,修建于公元前5世纪。剧场保存状况良好,被联合国教科文组织列入世界文化遗产。锡拉库沙希腊剧场是古希腊剧场中规模最大的之一,有67行座位,分为9个区域和8个通道。
Aréthuse or Arethuse may refer to:
锡拉库沙希腊剧场 是位于意大利西西里岛东部城市锡拉库萨的一座古希腊时期的剧场,修建于公元前5世纪。剧场保存状况良好,被联合国教科文组织列入世界文化遗产。锡拉库沙希腊剧场是古希腊剧场中规模最大的之一,有67行座位,分为9个区域和8个通道。
The Necropolis of Pantalica is a collection of cemeteries with rock-cut chamber tombs in southeast Sicily, Italy.
地下墓穴圣若望堂 是一座古老的主教座堂,位于意大利西西里大区的锡拉库萨的地下墓穴地区。
San Domenico is a Baroque-style, Roman Catholic church and monastery located on via Matteo Raeli facing Piazza XVI Maggio in the town of…
Capo Passero or Cape Passaro is a celebrated promontory of Sicily, forming the extreme southeastern point of the whole island, and one of…
The Necropolis of Pantalica is a collection of cemeteries with rock-cut chamber tombs in southeast Sicily, Italy.
The Necropolis of Pantalica is a collection of cemeteries with rock-cut chamber tombs in southeast Sicily, Italy.
The Necropolis of Pantalica is a collection of cemeteries with rock-cut chamber tombs in southeast Sicily, Italy.
The Necropolis of Pantalica is a collection of cemeteries with rock-cut chamber tombs in southeast Sicily, Italy.
Netum or Neetum, was a considerable ancient town in the south of Sicily, near the sources of the little river Asinarus, and about 34 km…
The Villa Romana del Tellaro is a large, elaborate Roman villa dating from the late Roman Empire.
A nice sandy beach with umbrellas and sun-beds. Great place for families with children.
San Carlo al Corso is a Baroque-style, Roman Catholic church located on Corso Vittorio Emanuele #119 in the town of Noto, region of Sicily,…