埃斯普拉纳迪 ,或称埃斯普拉纳迪公园 ,是芬兰首都赫尔辛基市中心的一条人行大道和绿化地带,西起埃罗塔亚广场,东至集市广场,南北两边分别为南埃斯普拉纳迪街和北埃斯普拉纳迪街,面积为1…
Kamppi Centre is a complex in the Kamppi district in the centre of Helsinki, Finland, designed by various architects, the main designer,…
芬兰国家博物馆 是芬兰的国家博物馆,主要展览芬兰自石器时代至今的历史。博物馆建筑为芬兰民族浪漫风格,位于赫尔辛基市中心,由国家文物局管理。
Shop specialised in sauna supply. Oils, back-scrubbers, water ladles - buy traditional souvenirs from the land of sauna.
西内布吕科夫美术馆 是位于芬兰首都赫尔辛基的一座美术馆。西内布吕科夫美术馆展示并收藏14至19世纪时期的美术品,是芬兰国家美术馆的一部分。西内布吕科夫美术馆的展品曾是西内布吕科夫家族的私人藏品。美术馆的建筑修建于1842年。
图尔库主教座堂 是位于芬兰城市图尔库的一座路德宗的教堂。图尔库主教座堂是图尔库教区的主教座堂,也在芬兰建筑史上拥有重要的地位。最早的教堂是一座木质教堂,修建于13世纪晚期。在1827年的大火中,教堂受到严重毁坏。现在的教堂是大火后重建的。
Aboa Vetus and Ars Nova is a museum in central Turku, Finland. The museum is housed in a building known as the Rettig palace, originally…
阿莫斯瑞克斯美术馆 是位于芬兰赫尔辛基的美术馆,座落在市中心一幢名叫玻璃宫的建筑内及其地下。美术馆在2018年8月30日正式开张。
Legendary open-air museum displaying the traditional way of living in Finland. There are 87 preserved buildings set in the nature.
House of the most famous Finnish architect, actually a part of museum dedicated to him. Fascinating design, worth visiting!
Aarikka is a Finnish company designing and manufacturing home furnishings, decorative items, and personal accessories.
This island is popular for its abundant beaches - just choose the one that suits you the most. An ideal summer vacation spot.
The Sibelius Museum is a museum of music, named after the Finnish composer Jean Sibelius.
The Artillery Museum of Finland is a special military museum dedicated to the history of the artillery from the 15th century to the present…
维京客轮 是一家总部在奥兰群岛的芬兰邮轮公司。公司在2016年有七艘运行于芬兰、瑞典、奥兰群岛以及爱沙尼亚之间的邮轮和渡船。
Cosy pub with a great selection of both local and European beers. They also have some snacks.
Arabia was a Finnish ceramics company, founded in 1873 by Rörstrand, now owned by Fiskars.