圣安德鲁斯主教座堂 是英国苏格兰的一座罗马天主教的主教座堂遗迹,位于圣安德鲁斯。这座教堂修建于1158年,曾是中世纪天主教在苏格兰的中心。16世纪苏格兰宗教改革之后,这座教堂被废弃。现在圣安德鲁主教座堂长约119米 。是苏格兰历史上规模最大的教堂。
圣安德鲁斯城堡 是位于联合王国苏格兰法夫圣安德鲁斯的一座城堡。城堡建于一座毗邻北海的岬角之上,俯瞰一片叫城堡滩 的小海滩。从罗杰斯主教…
St Salvator's Chapel is one of two collegiate chapels belonging to the University of St Andrews, the other being St Leonard's Chapel,…
Hamish McHamish was a ginger cat who lived in the town of St Andrews, Fife, Scotland.
The Wardlaw Museum is associated with the University of St Andrews. The museum houses a selection of the university's historic, artistic and…
圣安德鲁老球场 被认为是世界最古老的高尔夫球场,有“高尔夫之家”之称。这座球场位于英国苏格兰法夫圣安德鲁的公地,是一座公有球场,交由圣安德鲁林克斯信托管理。皇家古老高尔夫俱乐部会所毗邻第一个球座。
The Church of the Friars Preachers of St Laurence, Stirling, commonly called Blackfriars, was a mendicant friary of the Dominican Order…
The Church of St Mary on the Rock or St Mary's Collegiate Church, was a secular college of priests based on the seaward side of St Andrews…
Deans Court is a student hall of residence at the University of St Andrews originating from the XII century, thus, arguably, the oldest…
St Mary's College, founded as New College or College of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, is the home of the Faculty and School of…