坦格活德 ,或译唐格尔伍德,是美国马萨诸塞州亚特兰大莱诺克斯 和史托布列治 的音乐表演场地 。它坦格活德音乐节、坦格活德爵士音乐节每年的夏季演出的地点,也是波士顿交响乐团自1937年来的夏季演出场地。
The National Shrine of The Divine Mercy is a Catholic shrine located in Stockbridge, Massachusetts.
The Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health is a nonprofit organization that operates a health and yoga retreat in Stockbridge, Massachusetts.
Naumkeag is the former country estate of noted New York City lawyer Joseph Hodges Choate and Caroline Dutcher Sterling Choate, located at 5…