The Niavaran Palace Complex is a historical palace complex situated in Shemiran, Iran.
Ab-o-Atash Park, literally the "Water-and-Fire Park", also known as the Ebrahim Park, is a park in northern Tehran, Iran.
Press TV 是一家由伊朗政府运营,针对全世界观众播放的24小时英语新闻电视台,总部位于伊朗首都德黑兰,主要播放最新的新闻,评论与纪录片等节目,着重报导中东地区的情势。“Press”一词意为“新闻”,亦有着新闻所带来的“舆论”之意。
沙希德·贝赫什提大学 ,前身为伊朗国立大学,是伊朗最负盛名的大学之一。1980-1982伊斯兰革命期间曾改名伊朗大学。
The Tabi'at Bridge is the largest pedestrian overpass in Tehran, Iran.
Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, is a public university in the Islamic Republic of Iran.
The Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences, previously Institute for Studies in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics, is an advanced…
Mahmoud Hessabi museum is a museum located on a street of the same name in Tajrish neighborhood in Tehran.
Ahmad Shahi Pavilion is located in the Niavaran Palace Complex in northern Tehran, Iran.
Jamaran Hussainiya was the house of Imam Ruhollah Khomeini, the founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran, in Jamaran village.
The Imam Sadiq University is an islamic private university in Tehran, Iran.
Ferdows Garden is a historic complex located in the district of Tajrish in Shemiran, Iran.
Zahir-od-dowleh Cemetery is located in Darband, close to Tajrish, Shemiran and many Iranian artists, poets and musicians are buried there.
Pietro della Valle Italian School is an Italian international school in Farmanieh, a district in Shemiran, Tehran, Iran.