It's the place you will remember and say I wish I spent more time there! A beautiful park with a statue of the scholar Choi Chi-won.
新世界百货 是韩国一间大型百货公司,为新世界集团旗下的品牌,业务包括百货、物流及食品贩卖等服务。总店设于首尔特别市,占地面积8万8906坪。
釜山水族馆 位于韩国釜山市海云台海滩,是韩国规模最大的水族馆。釜山水族馆占地36,000平方米,地下3层,地上1层。馆内展示约有250种35,000只海洋生物。主水箱储水量为3,000…
For an evening walk, choose this romantic promenade along the sea. Stroll under the light of moon-shaped lamps illuminating the woods.