乌普萨拉城堡 是一座位于瑞典城市乌普萨拉的修建于16世纪的皇家城堡。乌普萨拉城堡在瑞典历史上拥有重要的地位。城堡在16世纪时期大幅扩建,1702年毁于大火,之后得到重建。现在乌普萨拉城堡是一座博物馆。
The Linnaean Garden or Linnaeus Garden is the oldest of the botanical gardens belonging to Uppsala University, Sweden, and nowadays one of…
Gustavianum is the oldest standing building of Uppsala University. It was built between 1622 and 1625, and was used as the main building of…
Bror Hjorth was a Swedish artist. Hjorth was one of Sweden’s best-known sculptors and painters, and was professor of art at the Royal…
The Botanical Garden of Uppsala University, near Uppsala Castle, is the principal botanical garden belonging to Uppsala University.
让-巴蒂斯特·贝尔纳多特 ,生于法国波城,1804年晋封法国元帅,1810年成为瑞典国王卡尔十三世的养子,并选为瑞典王储,1818年即位为瑞典国王卡尔十四世·约翰 和挪威国王卡尔三世·约翰 ,是贝尔纳多特王朝开国君主,在位至1844年去世。
The Museum of Evolution of Uppsala University is a natural history museum in Sweden, and holds Scandinavia's largest fossil collection of…
Upplandsmuseet is the county museum of Uppsala County, Sweden.
Carolina Rediviva is the main building of the Uppsala University Library in Uppsala, Sweden.
Studenternas IP is a multi-use stadium in Uppsala, Sweden and the home arena for the football club IK Sirius Fotboll on the men's side and…
Uplands nation is a student society and one of thirteen nations at Uppsala University.
Uppsala Auktionskammare was founded in 1731 and is the third oldest auction house in the world after Göteborgs Auktionsverk and before…
Uppsala Konsert & Kongress, popularly referred to as Musikens hus is a concert hall and convention centre in Uppsala, Sweden.
Uppsala is the county seat of Uppsala County and the fourth-largest city in Sweden, after Stockholm, Gothenburg, and Malmö.
The Swedish Evangelical Mission is an independent, low-church, New Evangelical movement within the Church of Sweden.
Studenternas IP is a multi-use stadium in Uppsala, Sweden and the home arena for the football club IK Sirius Fotboll on the men's side and…