The Tomb of Allama Iqbal, or Mazar-e-Iqbal, is the final resting place of Muhammad Iqbal, the national poet of Pakistan.
Hazuri Bagh is a garden in Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan, bounded by the Lahore Fort to the east, Badshahi Mosque to the west, the Samadhi of…
Begum Shahi Mosque, officially The Mosque of Mariyam Zamani Begum, is an early 17th-century mosque situated in the Walled City of Lahore,…
瑙·尼哈尔·辛格哈维利 是一座哈维利建筑,位于巴基斯坦旁遮普省拉合尔。该建筑可追溯到19世纪中叶的锡克时代,被认为是拉合尔最好的锡克建筑之一,也是唯一保存原始装饰和建筑的锡克时代的哈维利建筑。。这座豪宅原本是瑙·尼哈尔·辛格的私人住所。