Pordoi is a pass in the Dolomites in the Alps, located between the Sella group in the north and the Marmolada group in the south.
The Sella Pass is a high mountain pass between the provinces of Trentino and South Tyrol in Italy.
Gardena Pass is a high mountain pass in the Dolomites of the South Tyrol in northeast Italy.
加尔代纳山谷 ,位于北意大利博尔扎诺-上阿迪杰自治省的多洛米蒂山,是滑雪及攀岩的旅游胜地,当地出产的木雕亦享负盛名。
Fedaia Lake is a lake in Trentino and the Province of Belluno, Italy.
Seiser Alm is a Dolomite plateau and the largest high-altitude Alpine meadow in Europe.
Prösels Castle is a castle in the Gothic style which stands on the high plain below the Schlern mountain, in South Tyrol.
加尔代纳山谷 ,位于北意大利博尔扎诺-上阿迪杰自治省的多洛米蒂山,是滑雪及攀岩的旅游胜地,当地出产的木雕亦享负盛名。山谷中使用的主要母语是拉定语。
This 17th-century castle served as a summer and hunting lodge to a Tyrolean count. It has retained its former beauty.
This castle dates back to the 13th century but has been in ruins since 1525. You can still explore its eerie remains.
The Marmolada Glacier is located on the mountain Marmolada in the province of Trentino, Italy.
Built in the 15th century, this chapel is the dominant of the local graveyard. Its portal is quite impressive.
马尔莫拉达山 是意大利东北部的一座山脉,也是多洛米蒂山脉最高山,坐落在威尼斯东北方向约100公里处。其山势为东西向,南面为陡峭的悬崖,岩石表面长达几公里。北面为相对平缓的冰川,也是多洛米蒂山脉唯一的大冰川,马尔莫拉达冰川。
Discover the history of the Ladin region in this intriguing museum. Some of the artifacts such as fossils date back to prehistory.
帕拉山脉 是意大利的山脉,位于该国东北部,处于特伦托自治省和贝卢诺省接壤的边界,属于多洛米蒂山的一部分,最高点海拔高度3,192米的韦扎纳峰。
Lech dl Dragon is a proglacial lake in the Dolomites of South Tyrol, Italy.
富尔凯塔山 ,是意大利的山峰,位于该国东北部,由博尔扎诺-南蒂罗尔自治省负责管辖,属于多洛米蒂山的一部分,海拔高度3,025米,每年平均降雨量1,579毫米。
Residence Rododendro公寓式酒店位于莫埃纳(Moena),海拔1918米,设有免费室内游泳池和桑拿浴室,提供可欣赏多洛米蒂山脉(Dolomite)景致的公寓。酒店设有餐厅,距离圣佩莱格里诺(San Pellegrino)滑雪区有50米。