乔扎尼楚瓦卡湾国家公园 是东非国家坦桑尼亚的国家公园,位于桑给巴尔岛上,距离桑给巴尔石头城35公里,占地50平方公里,成立于2004年,野生动物有婴猴、树蹄兔、超过50种蝴蝶和40种鸟类。
戴维·利文斯通 ,英国探险家、传教士,维多利亚瀑布和马拉维湖的发现者,非洲探险的最伟大人物之一。
This charming historical building with ornate front holds an interesting museum dedicated to Zanzibar history.
A charming beach with fine white sand and mellow waves. Taste how paradise feels like here!
People come here to experience the untouched nature, vast beaches and beautiful, crystal-clear sea.
Beautiful beach with so many things to do, from offshore dolphin spotting tours to kite-surfing and sunbathing.
Almost never-ending beach with a genuine atmosphere. Don't forget to stop by at the tiny fishing village nearby.
One of the most beautiful beaches on the island - for sure. The pristine beach seems to be endless.
The Kizimkazi Dimbani Mosque is a mosque Located in the town of Dimbani, Kusini District of Unguja South Region in Tanzania.