苏黎世圣彼得教堂是瑞士苏黎世老城的4座主要教堂之一,另外三座是苏黎世大教堂, 苏黎世圣母大教堂和Predigerkirche。
莱茵瀑布 是高莱茵河 上的一个瀑布。位于波登湖以及巴塞尔之间。瀑布同时也位在瑞士北部的沙夫豪森州境内,距离州政府沙夫豪森约4公里。瀑布旁有一座城镇,称为莱茵河畔纽豪森。
苏黎世大教堂 是瑞士苏黎世的3座主要教堂之一 。教堂位于利马特河河岸附近。今天的教堂始建于1100年前后,约1220年揭幕。根据传说最早的教堂为查理曼创建。苏黎世大教堂是一座修道院教堂,在中世纪与利马特河对面的苏黎世圣母大教堂形成竞争。查理曼的坐骑跪倒在苏黎世主保圣人Felix…
苏黎世老城 包括瑞士城市苏黎世1893年之前的全部城区,大致相当于城墙内的区域,以及今天的一区。二至十二区在1893年-1934年陆续并入苏黎世。
The Chinese Garden is a Chinese garden in the Swiss city of Zürich. It is a gift from Zürich's Chinese partner town Kunming, dedicated to…
劳芬城堡 是瑞士苏黎世州劳芬-乌维森市的一座城堡。俯瞰莱茵瀑布。以及莱茵河对岸沙夫豪森州的沃尔特城堡。已列入瑞士国家和区域重要文化财产名录。
基堡城堡 是瑞士苏黎世州的一座城堡,位于伊尔瑙-埃弗雷蒂孔的小镇基堡,北距温特图尔仅数公里。基堡家族是中世纪当地最重要的家族之一,在瑞士历史上扮演过重要角色。城堡始建于11世纪,几经重修,成为瑞士东部最重要的城堡之一。现已入选瑞士国家重要文化财产。
The MFO-Park is a public park in the Oerlikon quarter of the Swiss city of Zürich.
Wülflingen Castle is a castle in the city of Winterthur and the canton of Zurich in Switzerland.
Uster Castle is a hill castle which was built probably around 1200 AD by the House of Rapperswil in the Swiss municipality of Uster in the…
Fotomuseum Winterthur is a museum of photography in Winterthur, Switzerland.
Leutschenpark is a public park in the northern Zürich neighbourhood of Leutschenbach.
The Swiss Science Center Technorama is a science museum in the municipality of Winterthur in the canton of Zürich, Switzerland.
The Schloss Au, literally "Château Au", is a country estate located in Au, a locality of the municipality of Wädenswil in Switzerland.
Bubikon Castle or Bubikon Commandery is a castle in the municipality of Bubikon of the Swiss Canton of Zürich.
Alt-Regensberg Castle is a hill castle which was built about the mid-11th century AD by the House of Regensberg in the Swiss municipality…
Regensberg Castle is a hill castle which was built about the mid-13th century AD by the House of Regensberg in the Swiss municipality of…
Bubikon Castle or Bubikon Commandery is a castle in the municipality of Bubikon of the Swiss Canton of Zürich.
Greifensee Castle is a castle in the municipality of Greifensee and the canton of Zurich in Switzerland.