The Longos mansion, also known as the Red house due to its red brick exterior, is a three-storey house in Agias Sofias Square in the center…
佩特拉罗纳山洞 ,也被称为 红石山洞,是一个喀斯特地貌溶洞,位于希腊哈尔基季基州,坐落在Katsika山 西麓海拔300米 的地方。
安菲波利斯 ,译为暗妃坡里,作为一个宏伟的古希腊城邦而广为人知,后来成为罗马帝国的一座城市,现在在这里仍然能看到很多其引人注目的遗迹。
The Kasta Tomb, also known as the Amphipolis Tomb, is an ancient Macedonian tomb that was discovered inside the Kasta mound near Amphipolis…