纪念馆由Kenzo Tange于2002年建造,以纪念核袭击的受害者。该机构存储幸存者的记忆和故事,照片和受害者的名字。
广岛美术馆) 是位于日本广岛县广岛市中区的一座美术馆。它由广岛银行建立于1978年11月3日,主要展出法国印象派画家的作品,此外也藏有梵高和毕加索的作品。
The Honkawa Elementary School Peace Museum is a museum of the Peace in Honkawacho, Naka-ku, Hiroshima, Japan.
广岛县立美术馆 是位于日本广岛县广岛市中区的一座美术馆。这座美术馆开业于1968年9月22日,是中国地方第一座公立美术馆。美术馆地上有4层,地下有1层,和缩景园相邻。
Many students and teachers died in this school when the bomb fell. Soon it turned into a first aid station and today it serves as a memorial.
The Hiroshima City Ebayama Museum of Meteorology was the first museum of meteorology in Japan.
Rai Sanyo was a Japanese historian and thinker. The museum is dedicated to his work and presents details of his personal life.