Oct - Mar: Tue - Sun: 10 am - 6 pm
Apr - Sep: Tue - Sun: 10 m - 8 pm
Closed: 1 and 6 January, 1 May and 24, 25 and 31 December and days of official events announced on the National Heritage website.
General: €9
Reduced: €4
Wikipedia https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/阿蘭胡埃斯王宮
More information at spain.info http://www.spain.info/en/que-quieres/arte/monumentos/madrid/palacio_real_de_aranjuez.html
地址 Av de Palacio, 28300 Aranjuez, Spain
坐标 40°2'10.881" N -3°36'30.264" E