绰号“Il Duomo”,这座大教堂可能是佛罗伦萨最著名的景点。建筑始于1296年,由阿诺尔夫﹒迪坎比奥(Arnolfo di Cambio)以哥特式风格建造,于1436年由佛罗伦萨建筑师和雕塑家菲利波﹒布鲁内列斯基(Filippo Brunelleschi)完成,他是意大利最早的文艺复兴时期建筑师之一。
该建筑群包括大教堂、罗马式洗礼堂和乔托钟楼(Giotto's Campanile),一个装饰华丽的哥特式塔楼,由乔托设计。大教堂入场是免费的,但您必须事先预订攀登布鲁内莱斯基穹顶的门票。穿着得体,穿带露肩、露腿衣物、拖鞋、帽子和墨镜者不允许进入大教堂,。
Opening times are subject to changes in time due to extraordinary events.
Note: The museum is closed on the first Tuesday of the month.
Admission to the cathedral is free.
Combined ticket:
Adults: €20
Children (6 - 11): €5
Children (under 6): free
The Cumulative ticket includes one access to each of the monuments of the Great Museum Opera del Duomo, please check the official website for more information.
Wikipedia https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/聖母百花聖殿
Official website http://www.museumflorence.com/monuments/1-cathedral
Firenze https://duomo.firenze.it/en/discover/cathedral
Twitter https://twitter.com/museofirenze
电子邮件 info@duomofirenze.it
电话 +39 055 215 380
地址 Piazza del Duomo, 50122 Florence, Italy
坐标 43°46'23.261" N 11°15'23.859" E