圣母大殿 是波兰城市克拉科夫的一座砖砌哥特式教堂,兴建于14世纪,位于中央集市广场。高80米,以法伊特·施托斯的哥特式木制祭坛而著称。
圣母大殿的建筑为海外波兰人修建的许多教堂所模仿,例如芝加哥的圣弥额尔总领天使堂和St. John Cantius,其设计风格称为“波兰主教座堂风格”。
Tours of the Bugle Tower:
Apr-Oct (except religious holidays):
Mo: Closed
Tu-Sa: 9:10 am - 5:30 pm
Su: 1:10 pm - 5:30 pm
(every 30 minutes)
Nov, Dec, March (except religious holidays):
Th-Sa: 9:10 am - 5:30 pm
(every 30 minutes)
Jan, Feb: Closed
Tours of the Bell Tower
Apr-Oct (except religious holidays):
Mo: Closed
Th-Fr: 10 am - 2 pm
Visits of the Bell Tower by prior arrangement at the tourist service office, by phone or e-mail.
Adults: 10 PLN
Seniors 65+: 8 PLN
Children, Students: 5 PLN
Regular: 15 PLN
Children: 10 PLN
The Bell Tower:
General: 15 PLN
Wikipedia https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/圣母圣殿_(克拉科夫)
Official site http://www.mariacki.com/index.php/en/
More Information http://www.krakow4u.pl/eng_index.php?parametr=koscioly/mariacki/eng_mariacki
Twitter https://twitter.com/kosciolmariacki
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/KosciolMariacki
电子邮件 biuro@mariacki.com
电话 +48 12-422-05-21
地址 Plac Mariacki 5 31-042 Kraków, Poland
坐标 50°3'41.975" N 19°56'21.938" E