这个美丽的罗马 - 拜占庭式大教堂与艾菲尔铁塔一起并肩成为城市中最著名的地标。它于1914年完工,从那以后一直深受游客喜爱。作为巴黎最知名的地方之一,它在许多影视作品中出现过(《红磨坊》、《天使爱美丽》)。
May-Sep: daily 8:30 am - 8 pm
Oct-Apr: daily 9 am - 5 pm
(These times are subject to change and can vary according to the weather.)
Note: For security reasons, the crypt is closed at the present time. The Bell Tower is not open to visitors.
Admission to the basilica is free.
Entrance fee to the Dome: There are various rates to access the Dome. Please visit the official website for further information.
Wikipedia https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/聖心聖殿_(巴黎)
Official Website http://www.sacre-coeur-montmartre.com/
电子邮件 basilique@sacre-coeur-montmartre.com
电话 +33 1 5341 8900
地址 35 Rue du Chevalier de La Barre, 75018 Paris, France
坐标 48°53'12.381" N 2°20'34.869" E