Vlaštovčí hnízdo je novogotický zámek z let 1911-1912 poblíž městečka Gaspra a v blízkosti Jalty na Krymském poloostrově.
The Massandra Palace is a Châteauesque villa of Emperor Alexander III of Russia in Massandra, at the south coast of Crimea.
Livadijský palác sloužil jako letní rezidence posledního ruského cara Mikuláše II. a jeho rodiny.
The Yusupov Palace is a palace located in the town of Koreiz, near Yalta in Crimea.
Count Nikolay Semyonovich Mordvinov was one of the most reputable Russian political thinkers of Alexander I's reign.
The Arabat Fortress, built in the 17th century by the Ottoman army, stands at the southernmost part of the Arabat Spit.