The Church of Christ's Resurrection is a popular tourist attraction close to the southernmost tip of the Crimea, known primarily for its…
Orta Cami Mosque is one of the oldest mosques in Crimea. It is situated on the modern day Lenina street in the old town of Bakhchisaray.It…
The Juma-Jami Mosque, also known as the Friday Mosque, is located in Yevpatoria, Crimea.
Chrám svatého Alexandra Něvského je pravoslavný chrám v přímořském městečku Jaltě, na Krymu. Spadá do jurisdikce Ruské pravoslavné církve.
The Ozbek Han Mosque is a mosque in Stary Krym, Crimea. The Ozbek Han Mosque is the oldest mosque in Crimea, built during the reign of…
Kebir Džami je chrámová mešita v krymském Simferopolu. Má status hlavní páteční mešity Krymu, je rezidencí muftího a sídlí zde Duchovní…
Surp Khach Monastery is a medieval Armenian monastery located on the Crimean peninsula near Staryi Krym and founded in 1358.
Saint Hripsime Church, is a working Armenian church located in Yalta on the Crimean peninsula and completed in 1917.It is modeled after a…