This Trojan horse maquette has been used in the Hollywood movie Troy and now dominates the waterfront of Çanakkale.
Assos was an ancient Greek city near today's Behramkale or Behram for short, which most people still call by its ancient name of Assos.
Kilitbahir Castle is a fortress on the west side of the Dardanelles, opposite the city of Çanakkale, where there is a corresponding…
Bozcaada Castle is a castle in the Turkish island of Bozcaada.
The Çanakkale Martyrs' Memorial is a war memorial commemorating the service of about 253,000 Turkish soldiers who participated at the…
Quinn's Post Cemetery is a Commonwealth War Graves Commission cemetery from World War I in the former Anzac sector of the Gallipoli…
Dardanely, je úzký průliv v severozápadním Turecku spojující Egejské a Marmarské moře a oddělující evropskou a asijskou část Turecka.
Trója bylo jednak skutečné, jednak bájné město na území dnešního Turecka v západní Malé Asii.
Bozcaada Castle is a castle in the Turkish island of Bozcaada.
Lampsacus was an ancient Greek city strategically located on the eastern side of the Hellespont in the northern Troad.
Mys Baba je nejzápadnější bod Turecka i celé Asie. Nachází se ve vesnici Babakale, v distriktu Ayvacık a historické oblasti Troas.
This "Meadow Castle" was built in 15th century as a guard over Dardanelles. Now it houses naval and military museums.
Bitva u řeky Gráníkos v květnu roku 334 př. n. l. byla prvním velkým vítězstvím Alexandra Makedonského během jeho tažení proti Perské říši.
The Dupnisa Cave, aka Dupnisa Caves, is a show cave located in Kırklareli Province, northwestern Turkey, close to Bulgarian-Turkish border.
Gönen Dam is a dam in Turkey. The development was backed by the Turkish State Hydraulic Works.
This mystical temple dedicated to Athena is a prime landmark of the area. Built in the 6th century BC.
The Helles Memorial is a Commonwealth War Graves Commission war memorial near Sedd el Bahr, in Turkey, on the headland at the tip of the…
Located in the Kalekoy District on Gokceada Island, Kastro Konak Hotel is a 5-minute walk from the seafront.
The Troy Museum is an archaeological museum located close to the archaeological site of the ancient city of Troy, in northwestern Turkey.