This Trojan horse maquette has been used in the Hollywood movie Troy and now dominates the waterfront of Çanakkale.
阿索斯 ,又称为贝赫拉姆卡莱 ,是位于今土耳其恰纳卡莱省艾瓦哲克的一个历史名城,古希腊哲学家亚里士多德离开雅典柏拉图学院后曾与色诺克拉底前往当地建立学院,受当地国王赫米阿斯欢迎并迎娶了他的养女,亦在当地广泛研究生物学和动物学。
Kilitbahir Castle is a fortress on the west side of the Dardanelles, opposite the city of Çanakkale, where there is a corresponding…
Bozcaada Castle is a castle in the Turkish island of Bozcaada.
The Çanakkale Martyrs' Memorial is a war memorial commemorating the service of about 253,000 Turkish soldiers who participated at the…
Quinn's Post Cemetery is a Commonwealth War Graves Commission cemetery from World War I in the former Anzac sector of the Gallipoli…
达达尼尔海峡 ,土耳其称恰纳卡莱海峡 ,古称赫勒斯滂 ,是连接马尔马拉海和爱琴海的海峡,属土耳其内海,也是亚洲和欧洲的分界线之一,常与马尔马拉海和博斯普鲁斯海峡并称土耳其海峡,并且是连接黑海以及地中海的唯一航道。
特洛伊 ,别称伊利昂 ,古希腊时代小亚细亚 西北部的城邦,其遗址于公元1871年被发现。诗人荷马创作的两部西方文学史最重要的作品:和中的特洛伊战争,便以此城市为中心。19世纪之前一直被史学家视为虚构传说的城市。
Bozcaada Castle is a castle in the Turkish island of Bozcaada.
巴巴角 位于安那托利亚的最西端,同是也是全亚洲大陆的最西端,是欧、亚之间的分隔处之一,中间为达达尼尔海峡。巴巴角位于Babakale村,其上有一座灯塔,名为“Lekton”。
This "Meadow Castle" was built in 15th century as a guard over Dardanelles. Now it houses naval and military museums.
格拉尼库斯战役 ,发生在 五月,是马其顿亚历山大大帝与波斯帝国三大决定性战役中的第一场战斗,战场在小亚细亚西北方的格拉尼库斯河,靠近特洛伊。在这里,亚历山大击败各波斯小亚细亚的总督,包括一支门农所率领的希腊雇佣军。
The Dupnisa Cave, aka Dupnisa Caves, is a show cave located in Kırklareli Province, northwestern Turkey, close to Bulgarian-Turkish border.
Gönen Dam is a dam in Turkey. The development was backed by the Turkish State Hydraulic Works.
This mystical temple dedicated to Athena is a prime landmark of the area. Built in the 6th century BC.
The Helles Memorial is a Commonwealth War Graves Commission war memorial near Sedd el Bahr, in Turkey, on the headland at the tip of the…
Located in the Kalekoy District on Gokceada Island, Kastro Konak Hotel is a 5-minute walk from the seafront.
The Troy Museum is an archaeological museum located close to the archaeological site of the ancient city of Troy, in northwestern Turkey.